We are so thankful that God chooses to partner with us through prayer, and we are grateful that there are those of you around the world who stand with us and lift up our needs to our heavenly father. Below are some of our immediate needs in June.
1) Flights to Kelowna Tessa'a and Mateo's visa's to America expire in July so we are planning on flying up to Kelowna, B.C to renew them and to visit with her family. 2) Ministry Opportunities Being here in Seattle definitely was not the plan for 2014, but we are fully aware that God can use us a.n.y.w.h.e.r.e! Please pray that we would be engaging individuals and recognizing opportunities to share the gospel as the present themselves. 3) Health Insurance We just recently discovered that we are responsible for covering 20% of Tessa's surgery that she had in April. We thought it would be 100% covered, and unfortunately it is not. Please pray for wisdom and provision.