We are settling into the YWAM Kona Ships community and loving it!
Just before we arrived at YWAM Ships they suffered a great loss that you can read about here. When we arrived we were asked to lead the upcoming April DTS. But we declined, feeling as though we wanted a bit of time for our family to settle. However God had other plans. We really felt from the Lord that this was an opportunity for our family to give an offering to the base. We could not in any way replace what has been lost, but we could offer our time so the leadership of the base could focus their time and energy on other things rather than on the DTS. So beginning April 9th we will be leading the DTS. Currently we are both working on preparing the DTS, and Tessa is helping in Registrar. Mateo turned 2 just days after our arrival and is loving life as usual. He desires to be outside 24-7, and would spend every waking moment in the water if we allowed. Thank you all for journeying with us, we value your friendships and support so very much! Mahalo!
December 2018